By CCL Reporter, Nicola Iannelli —
Summertime in Northern California for the Potters’ Baseball Club feels like a family reunion. Not only do the players and coaches anticipate the season, but so does the city of Lincoln and surrounding communities. Fans look forward to coming together each year at McBean Stadium to watch top-notch collegiate summer baseball, their favorite players, and of course, Piper the Mascot.
The Potters exude a sense of a family thanks in large part to their detailed approach to their work and the commitment of their staff members. It’s that positive environment that is created that makes summers so enjoyable. Not only do the players request to come back, but the host families also request to have the players stay with them again.
This upcoming season the Potters are welcoming back several members that starred in the 2021 campaign including CCL Showcase participants Jeffrey David (New Mexico), Quinton Hall, and Mason Holt (Louisiana Monroe).
The bonds made between the players on and off the field are special.
Nolan Murphy, an assistant general manager and Potters alumnus, spoke on his personal experience as a player and member of the team. “To play for The Potters was very eye opening because of the fan base that Lincoln has. Being able to see people in the stands and have a minor league experience at the college level is immaculate,” said Murphy.
The Potters and General Manager, Matt Lundgren, are committed to offering players the best experience and consider their program as “a players’ program.” Lundgren describes how he has his players focus only on baseball and has their meals, travels, and most expenses covered so they can be fully focused on their development. The coaching and managing staff goes above and beyond to make sure every one of their players is taken care of.
Besides there being a close bond between the team and community, there is also a one between head coach Ryan Stevens and the team. Stevens is a decorated member of the baseball community and local to the Rocklin area. He has an impressive baseball career resume but has continued to add to it just this past year when he won his 100th game. Stevens values the relationships that grow from the unique opportunity of being called a coach. Nolan Murphy shared how he keeps in contact throughout the year with Stevens and so do the other players of the team.
Thanks to the Potters Baseball Club, the city of Lincoln and the players have something to look forward to every summer. With the start of the season and summer quickly approaching, the Potters are ready to be back in action and compete for the 2022 CCL State Championship.
Photo courtesy of Sara Nevis
By CCL Reporter, Kathryne Padilla —
Baseball in San Luis Obispo has brought the community together for decades, even dating back to the 1940s when the SLO Blues were created. When baseball was in jeopardy in the central coast of California, it was a no-brainer for Adam Stowe and his parents, Marianne and Keith, to step up and save the day.
Their swift action to take over the Blues was an act to help their community, and one that slowly developed into their entire family having a hand in keeping the organization alive and well.
Back in 2010, previous owner Jim Galusha was looking to sell the Blues. In hopes of saving baseball in San Luis Obispo, Adam was able to bring on three different investors to meet with Galusha. In the end, the investors backed out due to the terms set by Galusha, leaving only two options.
“We were kind of stuck and it was either; the Stowe’s buy the Blues, or the Blues fold,” Adam said.
The decision to take on the ownership of the Blues was not made by Adam alone. His parents, Marianne and Keith, were the key players to preserving the Blues’ future.
“Their decision saved baseball in San Luis Obispo, and there are many people that are very grateful for that,” Adam said.
Dating back to 1946, San Luis Obispo saw the creation of a baseball league following the end of World War II. Baseball filled the downtime soldiers were then experiencing after the war ended. There were enough men who wanted to play ball to create a team in SLO.
This was the start of the Blues, who were formally named the ‘Merchants,’ a name which was then later changed.
“A local sportswriter for the Tribune decided that [Merchants] was a terrible name for a baseball team. Unless anybody objected, he was going to call us the Blues due to our blue lettering and socks,” Adam said. “Hence, the San Luis Obispo Blues.”
From 1946 to the 70s, the Blues were a semi-professional team, and roughly around 1980 turned into a summer collegiate baseball team. The Blues celebrated its 75th-anniversary last year.
There was no intention of the Blues becoming a family-run organization. The Stowe’s looked at taking ownership and building a foundation to bring on other staff members. Adam shared that both his parents had the same mindset when they made the decision.
A small realization came to Marianne Stowe that would reel in her husband, Keith.
“Marianne pointed out, it would be fun, and we’ve only got so many years left in life,” Keith said. “I thought ‘she’s right.’ Money’s not the main concern. It’ll be fun. So, we did.”
Adam and his parents, before ownership, would attend Blues’ games in the summer when Adam would visit them while on break from college. During a visit to North Carolina and a Durham Bulls’ game, both Marianne and Keith recall the key moment that cemented their understanding of their son’s enthusiasm for the game of baseball.
Seeing the Bulls and their entire operation would influence how Adam, as general manager, would mold the Blues.
“We would go to their games and watch the in-between inning events, that kind of thing. We saw a lot of that with the Durham Bulls, and then Adam kind of built on that,” Marianne said.
Marianne and Keith always knew their son was always athletic and interested with the sport of baseball, so it was not surprising to them when he left his athletic department position at a college in Louisiana to become the general manager of the Blues.
Though there are times that Keith teases Adam Stowe on the decision he made, he understands why he did it.
While all of the prior owners of the Blues loved the game of baseball, the Stowe’s realized there needed to be more than the love for the sport to make the organization successful.
“They loved baseball, but they were not necessarily great businesspeople,” Marianne said. “You need to have somebody who’s watching the books.”
Marianne is the current Host family coordinator and her involvement with the Blues came to be seven years ago when Adam asked her to step in on a temporary basis. Keith has been a huge help behind the scenes with fundraising for the non-profit, as well as serving as the team’s unofficial utility man providing help wherever it’s needed. His biggest role has been in coordinating the Blues’ direct mail campaign to recruit sponsors.
“He sent out almost 1,500 targeted packets to local businesses this year; which has directly led to more than $25,000 in new sponsors this season. We’ve actually sold out of much of our available sponsorship inventory,” said Adam.
Even the Blues’ youngest intern is Adam’s 12-year-old daughter, Quinzi, who has attended more than 200 games. She values learning from all the college interns and hopes to learn more about the technology side of game-day operations in the future like working the scoreboard and keeping stats.
“I was born into the family. So, I’m involved with the Blues. I really enjoy it, and I’m glad that is in my life!” Quinzi said.
Thanks to the Stowe’s, the Blues remain an important part of the community and the culture of San Luis Obispo—and it looks like that will be the case for years to come.
By CCL Reporter, Kathryne Padilla —
The new general manager of the Walnut Creek Crawdads, Justin McCray, will be digging deep into his extensive baseball experience with the hopes of adding a minor league atmosphere to the Northern California summer collegiate baseball scene.
McCray first developed his love for baseball through his father, who played college and eventually professional baseball with the Los Angeles Dodgers. McCray viewed himself a lot like his dad, someone who loved the sport so much so that it turned into a career.
Justin McCray would play in the minor leagues for a little over eight years with the Chicago White Sox, Houston Astros, and the Milwaukee Brewers. His passion for the game then led him to become a Major League scout, which he has done for various organizations for 16 years and counting.
Close to 365 days out of the year, McCray would be traveling to various states around the country, but there was something he always missed the most – his family. Ultimately, when the opportunity for him to become the Crawdad’s general manager presented itself, he was more than eager to jump on the offer as it would not only keep him home, but also around the game he loved.
“When scouting full-time, I was gone all the time,” McCray said. “I wanted to keep doing something [that]…is in my blood. This would be an interesting opportunity where I don’t have to be gone.”
While McCray may have a long history in baseball, this will be the first time he is seeing an entirely different side of the sport from a business and logistics perspective. McCray is well-equipped, though, thanks to his experience and relationships with MLB managers to take the Crawdads to new heights. As an ex-player in the minor leagues, that quintessential atmosphere stuck with McCray. That is the environment he wants to create not only for Crawdads players, but also for the fans.
“It’s not just the game,” McCray said. “There’s a little bit of a show too; bringing the fun, bringing the kids…”
With the well-respected Brant Cummings leading the charge on the field as head coach, adding to the Crawdad’s fan experience will be the biggest goal for McCray in Summer 2022. To hit his target, McCray will primarily be focusing on maximizing attendance via promotions and other events.
“Every Saturday and Sunday we have home games, those are going to be our big promotional days,” McCray said.
While determining how to create this environment, McCray looked at other CCL teams he feels already provide this atmosphere. With new ideas spurring in his mind, he is hopeful he will be able to create an exhilarating energy all summer long.
“It’s a show; it’s entertainment, it’s fun, “McCray said. “So that’s the part I’m excited to try and do.”
McCray has a select team to help build his vision, and is hopeful he will be bringing on more staff members before the summer season begins.
Ryan Lovato, Kyle Taylor, Celine DeSaix, Allen DeSaix, and Austin Ota will all hold different responsibilities for the Crawdads. These talented individuals have already set a positive tone with McCray.
“…Especially when you’re young, well-motivated energy is always good,” McCray said.
Not only will McCray be sharing some of his knowledge with his staff this year, he hopes to be an inspiration to his players.
“Hopefully they sit up straighter when I walk into the park, right?,” McCray said with a grin.
McCray also plans to hold a Professional Scouting Day and invite scouts from across the MLB.
In the end, the Crawdads are looking to compete in the CCL and introduce a new fun and family-friendly atmosphere under McCray’s leadership. McCray emphasized, the ultimate goal is then to “win the CCL.”
By CCL Reporter, Kathryne Padilla —
A successful season with the Conejo Oaks doesn’t just lie in the hands of the athletes taking the field or the coaches behind them. Director of Operations, Rebecca Willson holds most of the success of the season on her back and contributes to the growing foundation of genuine relationships within the program.
Willson grew up in a baseball-oriented household where her dad was a coach, and her older brother played the game. At first, growing up she was not too fond of the sport, but it eventually grew on her and even played softball in her childhood.
“I love being around it. Obviously, I’m not coaching, and I don’t want to coach or anything like that. But I love being around baseball, and like the happiness, it brings people just like talking to the fans,” Willson said. “I like just being out there in the atmosphere of it.”
She was first introduced to the Oaks when her older brother was on the coaching staff. He initiated the conversation of Willson helping the team with game-day operations on some occasions if she was able to. Willson has a Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality and was an event planner at the time, which made her a perfect candidate to help with operations.
At first, it started with helping with a few games, and then slowly she began to take on more responsibilities as she continued returning with the team.
“Every summer I kind of just added more things for myself to do. So now I just kind of do a little of everything and try to help coach out as much as possible,” Willson said.
This coming summer will mark her fourth season with the Oaks.
Preparation for the new season doesn’t begin a couple of months before, in fact, Willson feels like she gets a two-week break before having to begin planning and organizing the new season. Her long list of responsibilities includes but are not limited to housing athletes, transportation, providing food, marketing and social media, managing the intern program, ordering uniforms, and overseeing all daily operations.
“Every summer it’s something I love to do … one more thing gets added every summer and I think it’s great. I think more of it is just trying to build our program and make it bigger,” Willson said.
Last season, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on how operations were run. Willson switched gears relatively quickly and still found housing for athletes. She even made several grocery runs to ensure the players had food but also kept their safety intact.
In her first initial interaction with the players, she is able to get a sense of who the players are as people. “Some of the times I can tell right from the get-go how they’re going to be, or you know how this is going to go if I need to whip any of them into shape,” Willson said with a grin.
The work that Willson does behind the scenes doesn’t go unnoticed. She does whatever it takes to relieve some of the stress for the coaches if needed, but it also contributes to the genuine relationships that the Oaks create with each of their players during the season.
The bond that is created with these athletes is one that Willson and head coach David Soliz have seen is long-term.
“It’s a two-month connection that just seems sometimes when you connect with a player, it’s so much longer than two months. It just feels like you’ve known them for a long time and it’s really cool,” Willson said.
Longtime coach for the Oaks, David Soliz, also feels the same that summers in the California Collegiate League is all about baseball, and so much more.
Soliz shared a moment when he saw Brandon Lewis (UC Irvine, Los Angeles Dodgers), an Oaks’ alumni, while attending an all-star game in Boise, where his brother was managing at the time.
“I see a player standing off and I’m like, is that him? That’s Lew. He’s standing, so I text him and I said something like, ‘make sure you stand up straight,’ and he texts me back, ‘Are you here?” Soliz said.
The following day, Soliz was able to greet Lewis and received a bear hug from the athlete which Soliz shared, “He didn’t have to do that, a couple of years later.”
Moments like the one Soliz experienced are the ones that keep himself and Willson returning.
Owner of the Conejo Oaks, Mike Scioscia, and General Manager, Randy Riley, built a program that revolves around genuine connections which creates such as positive and welcoming atmosphere
The duo has created an environment where athletes are able to not only focus on developing high-level baseball skills but building long-term relationships with all involved in the organization.
Soliz loves that Scioscia is hands-on with the Oaks’ players, coaches, staff, and interns and present during the summer. Scioscia has been at practices and on-field during workouts, but could also be found sitting in the stands at the Oaks’ games.
“He was at every single home game for the early work. He would do his drills, talk to the guys and the players loved it. Sometimes he would go home, change and come back and just watch the game in the stands; that’s how much he cares,” Soliz said.
Riley could also be found at Oaks games. His generosity and love for the organization plays a big part in the success of the Oaks.
“He does what is always best for the league and he’s always done what’s best for the team, and each player. There’s no player that goes without…[Riley]’s there [and] takes care of it,” Soliz said.
It is evident the Oaks has created a solid foundation that has continued to be the basis for the organization and has grown into something larger than life. While there are only two months during the summer season, it seems that the Oaks jam-pack years of relationships that ultimately continue for years to come.
By CCL Reporter, Kathryne Padilla —
In one of the several acres of Solano County, one could find a young Ryan “P” Adams on his home-built diamond perfecting the skills that would lead him to a rewarding baseball career. This journey now finds Adams back in his home county as the head coach for the Solano Mudcats — and it is everything he imagined.
Since he could remember, Adams had a competitive spirit and would describe himself as an adrenaline junkie. Having this in his nature would fuel his passion for baseball and contribute to many rewarding experiences throughout his life.
During his childhood, the support from his family was evident. His father, Gary, spent endless days with Adams taking him to practice after practice and game after game. Gary Adams eventually built a baseball diamond in the family backyard, not only for Adams, but also for the teams he was a part of.
“My dad was a sports enthusiast and he decided ‘Let’s build a field in the backyard,’” Adams said. “Ultimately, we had our travel practice out there … It was unique, the field wasn’t very big, but we got the job done.”
Growing up, Adams credits his mother, Stephanie, for his competitive spirit, and his two older siblings for supporting his love of the game.
“They’ve always been supportive of my endeavors, whatever it is … I always looked at them and admired what they do, and they’ve kind of created a path for me to kind of be my own person,” Adams said.
Adams also found motivation from his extended family when beginning his baseball career. Multiple members reached high levels in their respective sports.
“My uncle … played in the big leagues for several years,” Adams said. “I have cousins that played Division I baseball and I had a cousin who was one of the best wrestlers in the country.”
Though Adams had many role models to look up which contributed to his success, he often experienced the underdog role.
“People often tell me ‘Listen, you know, it’s unlikely that you’re going to make it to the Major Leagues,’ and I knew that it was just something that I was driven by. I was highly motivated,” Adams said.
With people doubting Adams, his passion for baseball grew. He played for two years at Solano College before transferring to San José State University. In his two years at Solano, he was a First-Team, All-Bay Valley Conference selection as a utility player and an All-State selection as a shortstop. In 2006, Solano College inducted Adams into its Hall of Fame.
During his time at San José State, Adams was a key contributor to a Top 25 team. In his senior year, the Spartans came in second in the Western Athletic Conference.
It was his time being coached by Sam Piraro that Adams would take away many of his coaching philosophies and incorporate them into his own life.
“His philosophy was doing whatever it takes, it was more of a defense-oriented [approach] you know … He was kind of old school, but it won games and he was a kind of great mentor and actually I take a lot of what his philosophy was … and use it [now],” Adams said.
Adams did not just stop at collegiate play, his passion led him to opportunities to play in minor leagues. He joined the Solano Steelheads following graduating college which gave him insight into a different form of play. Surrounded by professional athletes intimated the new college graduate, but it was a challenge he would not back away from.
“I started to build confidence … a lot of those guys were in the pro ranks for a long time. So, I kind of picked their ear … and it was a quick learning curve for me,” Adams said.
Adams would play with the Steelheads for one season as they disassembled due to financial complications. However, one more opportunity landed Adams in Kalamazoo, Michigan. While finishing his master’s program, balancing playing time and being homesick, something struck a chord in Adams. The thought of “where is this going to take me” settled in and Adams hung up his cleats.
“My older brother’s a special education teacher out in Pittsburgh, and he’s been doing that and so I said, ‘You know what, I love being around kids,” Adams said.
Adams began teaching and coaching in 2007 at Vanden High School. He holds over 200 wins with the baseball program and coached his team to section runner-up champions in 2015 and 2017.
Adams credits his wife, Marisa, and two children Myles (15) and Ryley (12) for allowing him to share his passion for the game with so many.
His collective experience would contribute to him being the number one candidate to become the head coach of the Solano Mudcats, one of eleven California Collegiate League teams.
Adams is not entirely new to the organization either; he played for the Mudcats when they were a semi-professional team. With the addition of Adams to the Mudcats’ staff, it is evident the competitive atmosphere has been increased due to what he provides as a coach. He wants his incoming student-athletes to view this as an opportunity to grow and improve on their craft, however, he also holds a high expectation for them.
“Here’s an opportunity to compete and so I want players that are just true competitors that are gritty, that will get down in the dirt and will do anything for the best interest of the team,” Adams said.
Adams has set a goal to emphasize on “getting bigger and stronger” through his players hitting the weight room more and focusing on nutrition. He will also be focusing on the mental side of the game.
The Mudcats have also focused on specific areas of recruiting such as bolstering their pitching staff in order to create a well-rounded team.
In the end, the Mudcats will not take any shortcuts this season, and that is something Adams has never believed in.
“My philosophy always has, and always will be, ‘You get what you put into this game. If you respect the game, the game will take care of you,’” Adams said.
LOS ANGELES, CA – The California Collegiate League (CCL) announced its 2022 summer schedule today. The CCL’s 29th season will kick-off in Southern California on Tuesday, June 7, as the MLB Academy Barons play host to the San Luis Obispo Blues at the MLB Youth Academy.
The Blues are coming off a celebration of their 75th anniversary season that included a runner-up finish in the 2021 CCL State Championship.
The CCL is now comprised of 11 teams, six in the south and five in the north. Action in the North Division begins on Wednesday, June 8. The Walnut Creek Crawdads travel to Solano to face the Mudcats led by new head coach and San Jose State alum, Ryan P. Adams.
Rick Turner completed his first season as CCL Commissioner in 2021 and is looking forward to the summer. “Our league office and each league member are diligently making preparations for the upcoming season,” said Turner. “On so many levels, I’m confident 2022 will be the league’s best.”
The upcoming CCL campaign features an expanded North Division thanks to the addition of the Sonoma Stompers. The Stompers play their first-ever CCL game at home against the Crawdads on Thursday, June 9, at Arnold Field.
The 2021 CCL State Champions, the Healdsburg Prune Packers, begin the defense of their crown on June 9 at Solano.
The nationally-ranked Santa Barbara Foresters square-off against the Barons, also on June 9.
The CCL Showcase Game, the league’s mid-summer classic, is scheduled for Wednesday, July 20 at the MLB Youth Academy.
At its October meetings, league members agreed that each CCL team will play 34 division games. The full CCL schedule including non-league and several interleague contests will be announced at a later date. Each team will begin league play by June 10. The South Division concludes league competition on July 31 followed by August 1 for the North Division.
This year’s CCL State Championship, a 5-team, double-elimination format highlighted by a winner take-all title game will wrap-up the 2022 season August 4-6 at a site to be determined.
Game dates and times are subject to change.
View // Bally Sports Broadcast // Showcase Game Roster Announcement
COMPTON, CA — The middle of July is always an exciting time for the sport of baseball, with the MLB Draft and All-Star Game showcasing some of the best talent in the world. On Wednesday night, July 14, the California Collegiate League held its annual Showcase Game at the MLB Academy, and the players put on a show for an audience across the country on Bally Sports and in front of scouts and fans in Compton. The South Division ultimately came out on top with a 6-2 victory, overcoming a 2-0 deficit in the 3rd Inning.
Los Angeles Dodgers legend, longtime Los Angeles Angels manager, and skipper for Team USA, Mike Scioscia, was in attendance for the game. A co-founder of the CCL’s Conejo Oaks and the Amateur Baseball Development Group (ABDG), Scioscia expressed his excitement about how the showcase evidenced the league’s advancement.
“We’re getting more national recognition for the caliber of players that are playing in our league,” Scioscia said. “These are very highly skilled players.”
Catcher Riley Lamb (Solano Mudcats, USC) won Offensive MVP honors, going 3-4 with two doubles. Third baseman Drew Cowley (Arroyo Seco Saints, Cal Poly Pomona) won Defensive MVP, making a tough play in the fifth to save two runs. Pitcher Cody Adcock (Conejo Oaks, Ole Miss) rounded out the award winners earning Pitcher of the Game, striking out two of four batters in 1.0 innings pitched.
In typical Showcase Game fashion, pitching was on display early in this one. Both South pitcher Adcock and North right-hander Matt Sox (San Luis Obispo Blues, Utah) threw shutout innings, striking out four batters combined in a scoreless first.
“It was awesome,” Adcock said. “I just soaked it up, and I’m enjoying it. I’m trying to have a good time, and it was fun tonight.”
Third baseman Tate Samuelson (Blues, Cal Poly SLO) led off the 2nd Inning with a single to left, and second baseman Trevor Haskins (Lincoln Potters, Stanford) worked a walk to get two runners on. Despite the early pressure, South Division pitcher Andrew Pogue (Orange County Riptide, Illinois) settled in and retired the next three batters to get out of the jam.
Chase Chatman (MLB Academy Barons, Florida Gulf Coast) and Heston Tole (Blues, Arkansas) pitched shutout innings for their respective squads in the 3rd Inning, with each pitcher logging a strikeout and keeping the game at zeros.
The North Division would get on the board first in this one, putting up a two-spot on pitcher Tommy Steier (Saints, Creighton). After Samuelson reached on an error, Trevor Haskins (Potters, Stanford) lined a single to center. Samuelson raced to third, and was waved home after the ball was mishandled in center field. He would later score on an RBI grounder by Jason Brandow (Potters, Cal State Fullerton) to give the North a 2-0 lead.
The South responded immediately, as Saints catcher Peyton Lewis (Texas State) got on base off a catcher’s interference. His teammate, Cowley, broke up the combined no-hitter in the next at bat, driving Lewis home in the process to cut the lead in half.
The North threatened to extend their lead thanks to catcher Austin Schell (Blues, Cal State Fullerton) knocking a double and outfielder Mason Holt (Potters, Louisiana Monroe) getting a walk with one out, but South pitchers Tony Robie (Riptide, Texas State) and Clay Rickerman (Oaks, Cal Lutheran) tag-teamed to earn the last two outs.
Singles from the Darrien McDowell (Barons, Pensacola State College) and Josh Cowden (Saints, Brigham Young), and a walk from Davis Diaz (Riptide, Vanderbilt). loaded the bases for the South. Jordan Williams (Barons, San Jacinto CC) reached on a fielder’s choice to tie the game entering the sixth.
Tied at two in the 6th Inning, Tristan Garnett (Saints, Cal State Dominguez Hills) entered to try and hold the lead, and did just that. Garnett struck out the first two batters he faced, and got an easy grounder to first base to end the inning.
The floodgates opened for the South at the bottom of the frame. Lewis got on base again via a walk, and he got around to third off a Grant Smith (Oaks, Incarnate Word) single.
The Saints catcher scored his second run of the day on a wild pitch to give the South their first lead of the night.
Tanner O’Tremba (Foresters, Arizona) and Kyle Booker (Riptide, Tennessee) combined to drive in three more runs in the following at-bats to give the South a 6-2 lead.
Looking for a shutdown inning, the South turned to pitcher Cole Reeves (Foresters, Dallas Baptist). He quickly retired the first two batters, but gave up a double to Riley Lamb his third hit of the game. That was all the North would get, as Reeves struck out his final batter to end the threat.
“I kind of just try not to think too much up there,” Lamb said. “Doesn’t matter really what pitcher’s up there for me. I just want to play my game.”
Miller Pleimann (Blues, Arkansas) came in for the North and tossed a one-two-three inning to end the 7th. Both teams would go down quietly in the eighth.
Gabriel Starks (Foresters, Arkansas) came in for the ninth inning and slammed the door on the North Division, striking out two and giving the South the 6-2 victory.
The second half of the summer season is now underway, with the 2021 CCL State Championship presented by Placer Valley Tourism slated for August 4-6 in Lincoln, Calif.
– CCL Reporters Joe Pohoryles and Lucas Banks
– CCL Photographers Angie Martinez, Emily Sullivan, and Alina Nelson
– CCL Videographers Brandon Lin and Rhett Spenrath
July 10, 2021
California Collegiate League Commissioner, Rick Turner, and the Selection Committee have announced the participants for the 2021 CCL Showcase Game presented by the Amateur Baseball Development Group (ABDG).
2021 CCL Showcase Game
Presented by ABDG
Wednesday, July 14 // 7 pm PST
Watch on Bally Sports TV // Tickets may be purchased at the gate
MLB Academy Stadium // 901 E. Artesia Blvd, Compton, CA 90221
Player Combine // MLB Scouts & College Coaches // 4 pm PST
North Division Roster
Pitchers | Pos. | CCL Team | Outfielders | Pos. | CCL Team | |
Joe Ammirato | RHP | HLD | EJ Brown | OF | SOL | |
Derek Bridges | LHP | HLD | Jeffery David | OF | LIN | |
Ole Iverson | LHP | WCC | Kenny DeCelle | OF | SOL | |
LJ McDonough | RHP | HLD | Quinton Hall | OF | LIN | |
Roman Phansalker | RHP | HLD | Mason Holt | OF | LIN | |
Miller Pleimann | LHP | SLO | Jesse Lopez | OF | HLD | |
David Reckers | RHP | SOL | ||||
Tommy Scavone | RHP | WCC | Second Basemen | |||
Matt Sox | RHP | SLO | Tassos Foster | 2B | SOL | |
Heston Tole | RHP | SLO | Ryan Targac | 2B | HLD | |
Kyle Wisch | RHP | SLO | ||||
Shortstops | ||||||
Catchers | Ian McMillan | SS | HLD | |||
Riley Lamb | C | SOL | Trevor Werner | SS | WCC | |
Austin Schell | C | SLO | ||||
Kimble Schuessler | C | HLD | Third Basemen | |||
Diego Munoz | 3B | WCC | ||||
First Basemen | Tate Samuelson | 3B | SLO | |||
Garett Forrester | 1B | LIN | ||||
Mason Grotto | 1B | SLO | ||||
Designated Hitters | ||||||
Jason Brandow | DH | LIN | ||||
Curran Ozawa-Burns | DH | WCC |
Manager // Bob Miller, SLO
South Division Roster
Pitchers | Pos. | CCL Team | Outfielders | Pos. | CCL Team | |
Cody Adcock | RHP | CON | Dwight Allen | OF | OCR | |
Chase Chatman | LHP | MLB | Kyle Booker | OF | OCR | |
Tristan Garnett | LHP | AS | Connor Bradshaw | OF | AS | |
Creighton Hansen | RHP | AS | Josh Cowden | OF | AS | |
Chazz Martinez | LHP | MLB | Cooper Elliot | OF | AS | |
Andrew Pogue | RHP | OCR | Jordan Williams | OF | MLB | |
Cole Reeves | RHP | SBF | ||||
Tony Robie | RHP | OCR | Second Basemen | |||
Gabriel Starks | RHP | SBF | Zack Gregory | 2B | CON | |
Tommy Steier | RHP | AS | Andrew Kachel | 2B | SBF | |
Steven Zobac | RHP | SBF | ||||
Shortstops | ||||||
Catchers | Kemet Brown | SS | MLB | |||
Anson Aroz | C | CON | Davis Diaz | SS | OCR | |
Eric Bigani | C | OCR | ||||
Nate Rombach | C | SBF | Third Basemen | |||
Drew Cowley | 3B | AS | ||||
First Basemen | Grant Smith | 3B | CON | |||
Brendan Bobo | 1B | CON | ||||
Darrien McDowell | 1B | MLB | ||||
Designated Hitters | ||||||
Reagan Burford | DH | CON | ||||
Tanner O’Tremba | DH | SBF |
Manager // Aaron Milam, AS
Team Designations // MLB – MLB Academy Barons, AS – Arroyo Seco Saints, CON – Conejo Oaks, HLD – Healdsburg Prune Packers, LIN – Lincoln Potters, OCR – Orange County Riptide, SLO – San Luis Obispo Blues, SBF – Santa Barbara Foresters, SOL – Solano Mudcats, WCC – Walnut Creek Crawdads
COMPTON, CA – The California Collegiate League will host the 2021 CCL Showcase Game presented by ABDG on Wednesday, July 14 at 7 pm at the MLB Academy in Compton, Calif. The annual event is a celebration of the collegiate summer league’s most outstanding players. Sixty of the CCL’s top players—30 from the North Division and 30 from the South Division—will showcase their talents to a national audience on Bally Sports TV (formerly Fox Sports).
California Collegiate League Executive Director, Aaron Milam, is looking forward to the mid-summer event.
“I applaud our Board of Directors, general managers, coaches, and staff for making the CCL such a player-centric league,” said Milam. “The CCL Showcase Game is a great example of this, and everything we do both in and out of season is about putting our players in the best positions for success.”
New CCL commissioner and former MLB coach and front office executive for the Angels, Rick Turner, has first-hand experience working with MLB All-Star games and is excited to feature the league’s best. Turner said the league’s first priority is focusing on the competition on the field.
“Our CCL rosters are filled with players from the most competitive college conferences in the country,” said Turner. “We can’t wait for July 14—it’s going to be a fun night for everyone involved.”
2021 CCL Showcase Game
Presented by ABDG
Wednesday, July 14 // 7 pm PST
Watch on Bally Sports TV // Tickets may be purchased at the gate
MLB Academy Stadium // 901 E. Artesia Blvd, Compton, CA 90221
Player Combine // MLB Scouts & College Coaches // 4 pm PST
Players are nominated by team managers and selected by the CCL Showcase Selection Committee. Managers are chosen by compiling the two best winning percentages in league play as of July 9.
Angels radio broadcaster, Trent Rush, veteran baseball announcer, Wes Clements, and reporter Anna Connelly, will bring you all of the coverage live on Bally Sports. The replay of the game will be broadcast regionally in July and August. Check local listings for viewing instructions.
Showcase Game position players will begin the day at 4 pm PST by participating in a pre-game workout for MLB scouts and college coaches.
Tickets for the 2021 CCL Showcase Game may be purchased at the front gate.
Follow the action on social media using the hashtag #CCLBaseball.
Contributor // Emily Morton, CCL Reporter
The pinnacle of college baseball can be summed up in one word — Omaha. Look for CCL players and alumni competing in the 2021 NCAA College World Series in pursuit of college baseball’s top prize.
# | College | First Name | Last Name | CCL Team | CCL Player/Alumni |
1 | Arizona | Daniel | Susac | Lincoln Potters | Alumni |
2 | Tanner | O’Tremba | Santa Barbara Foresters/Lincoln Potters | 2021/Alumni | |
3 | TJ | Nichols | Lincoln Potters | Alumni | |
4 | Tony | Bullard | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
5 | Tyler | Casagrande | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
6 | Branden | Boissiere | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
7 | Ian | Churchill | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
8 | Ryan | Holgate | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
9 | Stanford | Eddie | Park | Lincoln Potters | Alumni |
10 | Grant | Burton | Lincoln Potters | Alumni | |
11 | Cody | Jensen | Lincoln Potters | Alumni | |
12 | Austin | Kretzschmar | San Luis Obispo Blues | 2021 | |
13 | Grant | Burton | San Luis Obispo Blues | 2021 | |
14 | Vincent | Martinez | San Luis Obispo Blues | 2021 | |
15 | Tennessee | Pete | Derkay | Arroyo Seco Saints | Alumni |
16 | Evan | Russell | Arroyo Seco Saints | Alumni | |
17 | Luc | Lipcius | Arroyo Seco Saints | Alumni | |
18 | Christian | Scott | Arroyo Seco Saints | Alumni | |
19 | Max | Ferguson | Orange County Riptide | Alumni | |
20 | Trey | Lipscomb | Orange County Riptide | Alumni | |
21 | Charez | Butcher | Orange County Riptide | 2021 | |
22 | Kyle | Booker | Orange County Riptide | 2021 | |
23 | Charlie | Taylor | Orange County Riptide | 2021 | |
24 | Connor | Pavolony | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
25 | Christian | Delashmit | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
26 | Blade | Tidwell | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
27 | Texas | Cole | Quintanilla | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni |
28 | Eric | Kennedy | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
29 | Dylan | Campbell | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
30 | Aaron | Nixon | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
31 | Justin | Eckhardt | Santa Barbara Foresters | 2021 | |
32 | Tanner | Witt | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni | |
33 | Vanderbilt | Jayson | Gonzalez | Arroyo Seco Saints | Alumni |
34 | Spencer | Jones | Santa Barbara Foresters | Alumni |